If your dream is to start making music, or if your interest is purely for sport and you want to feel like a composer, you don’t have to run out and buy expensive musical instruments or start training to become a musician. All you require is an iOS or Android smartphone at your fingertips.
You also won’t need to buy expensive professional utilities because, as paradoxical as it may be, high-quality music can be created with standard free utilities. But before we start, it’s worth making a small remark: mobile functionality cannot be compared to desktop versions.
It is very inferior, but if you are a beginner, then the utilities for creating music on smartphones will be just the perfect choice to get your hands on. Let’s go!
DJ Studio 5
This is a free app aimed at relatively experienced users. Of course, it will do as well for beginners, but they’ll probably have to spend a fair amount of time mastering it and looking through a lot of stuff. The interface of DJ Studio 5 is designed as a stylized DJ console with a vinyl player emulator.
You can mix tracks, create loops and make scratches on your smartphone screen. Among other things, this utility also offers some curious features only sometimes found in similar applications, namely the ability to record tracks in real-time, mix them automatically, etc.
If you are a guitar lover, then GuitarTuna is just perfect for you. This utility is easy enough to use yet allows you to work with complex instruments like acoustic or electric guitars. What else makes GuitarTuna unique? For example, you can fine-tune the sliders in it, which will give you a guarantee that you will be able to implement your idea with one hundred percent accuracy.
When you work with GuitarTuna, you don’t need additional devices besides your smartphone; the program can use your microphone for recording. Also, GuitarTune has a simple and beautiful interface. As a beginner, you will also be comfortable enough to work in GuitarTuna. The thing is that there is a special auto-tuning mode here – the local AI itself will select the optimal values for the recording.

FL Studio Mobile
FL Studio Mobile is a general smartphone application for creating, editing, and mixing music. What makes FL Studio Mobile special is its user-friendly interface and the vast number of tools you can use to create tracks of excellent quality. Specifically, it includes, an example, drum kits, MIDI controllers, built-in sound engines, mixers with a lot of options, effects, presets, and so on.
Audio Evolution
Audio Evolution is an excellent application for recording music. It uses your device’s internal microphone as the input tool (but you can connect any other external device if you want). With Audio Evolution, you can create tracks and improve them significantly, for example, by adding various effects on top.
This, of course, is not the end of Audio Evolution’s functionality. Among other things, we can highlight the presence of a metron, the ability to synchronize your progress with cloud effects services, and much more.