
How to generate titles for youTube videos

A YouTube title generator is a powerful tool designed to create optimized titles for your videos, helping you stand out and be discovered on the platform. By inputting keywords or video topics, the generator analyzes them to suggest titles that are tailored for optimal search results. AI generator tags for YouTube can further enhance this process.

What Can I Use This AI Generator For?

The most effective YouTube title generators leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technology to deliver swift and reliable outcomes. AI accelerates the title creation process while ensuring the titles capture your target audience’s attention and remain meaningful and relevant for search engine optimization (SEO).

Utilize this AI YouTube Title Generator to effortlessly craft titles for various types of videos, including interviews, live streams, educational content, tutorials, and more. It even works perfectly as a YouTube Shorts title generator.

Top Tips for Writing YouTube Titles

Crafting compelling YouTube titles can significantly boost click rates. Tools like Hootsuite’s free title generator for YouTube can assist, but here are a few key pointers to keep in mind.

Stay Within the Character Limit

YouTube allows video titles up to 100 characters, but on mobile devices, titles may be shortened. Aim for titles around 60-70 characters to ensure readability.

Lead with Your Primary Keyword

Position your most important keyword at the beginning of your title. This helps both YouTube and viewers immediately grasp the video’s topic, enhancing discoverability.

For example, if your main keyword is “healthy breakfast recipes,” a good title could be “Healthy Breakfast Recipes: 5 Quick and Easy Ideas.”

Use Relevant Keywords

Opt for keywords that accurately describe your video’s content and are commonly searched by your target audience. This will optimize your title for search engines and attract more viewers.

Leverage YouTube’s search function or a keyword research tool to find relevant terms.

Make It Stand Out

Create eye-catching and memorable titles. Short, snappy, and creative titles tend to make a lasting impression. Techniques like using all caps, parentheses, and alliteration can draw attention.

Incorporate Numbers

Numbers in titles generate curiosity and set clear expectations, potentially increasing views. Examples include “10 Tips for Growing Your Instagram” or “5 SEO Methods You Need to Know Now.”

Evoke Emotion

Titles that evoke emotion can be powerful, given YouTube’s highly engaged audience. Use emotive terms like “profitable,” “luxurious,” and “helpful” to spark interest.

For example, a finance video could be titled “7 Lucrative Tips to Make Money From Home.”


Avoid Clickbait

Steer clear of clickbait titles that make exaggerated claims or false promises. These can frustrate viewers and damage your channel’s reputation. Avoid phrases like “You won’t believe what occurred next…” or “This simple trick will transform your life…”

Ask Questions

Questions in titles can attract attention and clicks. Think of questions your audience would be curious about, such as “How Can You Grow Your YouTube?” or “What Is SEO?”

Match Titles to Thumbnails

Ensure your titles complement your thumbnails. The title should build on what the preview image shows, aiding viewers’ understanding and encouraging them to click play.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are especially effective in YouTube Shorts titles. They allow viewers to discover your range and related videos. Use relevant popular hashtags, and check what other creators in your niche are using.

Add hashtags by typing the # symbol in your title or description, then selecting the best terms for your topic. YouTube will suggest popular hashtags to choose from. Learn more about hashtag best practices on the Hootsuite blog.

Follow YouTube’s Guidelines

YouTube prohibits hate speech, profanity, and harmful content. Ensure your titles and thumbnails adhere to YouTube’s community guidelines.

Test Your Titles

Test different titles to see which ones get the most clicks, longest watch times, and highest engagement. Learning from these experiments can help you draw in more viewers over time.